Accelerator Fusion-Discussion-The reflex ion gun collider

This forum is for other possible methods for fusion such as Sonolumenescense, Cold Fusion, CANR/LENR or accelerator fusion. It should contain all theory, discussions and even construction and URLs related to "other than fusor, fusion".
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Alex Aitken
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Re: Accelerator Fusion-Discussion-The reflex ion gun collider

Post by Alex Aitken »

I cant dissagree there and the C.O.M. system is more suited to working out how much power the accelerator is using in your linear symmetrical case, but if you want to compair results to published cross section data you will need to convert to the target centered system used by conventional nuclear physics.

Using two seperate systems at the same time could get very confusing.
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Re: Accelerator Fusion-Discussion-The reflex ion gun collider

Post by 3l »

Hi Marvin:

I was raised by an Iranian Nuclear Physics guy.
The British did a lot of the crossections...Humm..
By the time I knew there was a difference I was in Advanced Nuclear and Atomic #3.
It took Palestenian born Dr. Ghurtma to tell me
You are the first person to even notice.
I tend to assume the lower energies because of my engineering predjudice.
Plus If I get lack luster action it won't smart as much.

Happy Fusoring!
Larry Leins
Fusor Tech
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