Re: Fusor Temperatures
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Re: What temperatures can be expected:
Well, the simplistic answer is: Fusion temps i.e.: 100 million degrees!! But it depends on the voltage you are using. At 11,800 K per electron volt. A few kV translates to lots of degrees as kinetic energy.

The temperatures of the ion cage electrodes can be appreciated by noting Richard Hull's photos which show them at nearly white heat. Their temperature depends on the amount of energy they are intercepting. Ideally it should be very small. Actually it is substantial.

Also how to measure these temperatures is not trivial. Any electrodes (Thermocouples for example) in the plasma area will both upset the electrostatic symmetry and will probably be promptly destroyed. Optical methods work up to a few thousand K, but you need to have a sighting port. Radiation issues need to be remembered at all times, if you are actually fusing.

Dave Cooper

Created on Monday, February 19, 2001 1:11 AM EDT by David Cooper