Rough Fusor Budget
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I thought as a service I might post a rough budget for an 8" diameter spherical Fusor using standard LF/ISO claw clap flanges to hold the hemispheres together, with (2) KF16 ports for gas handling/instrumentation, (1)KF25 port for a spark plug based high voltage feedthrough, (1) KF40 port for pumpdown, and a 2.75" conflat port for the view port. I used a conflat instead of a KF flange for the viewport because the conflat view ports are more commonly available as standard catalog items or on the surplus/junk market. A KF40 viewport would cost about $10 less including both the viewport (MDC Vacuum) and the KF40 1/2 nipple (Duniway).
Prices are based on new parts from the cheapest vendors I could find. Not all the incidentals are included, just the major bits one would need to start to throw a respectable chamber together. Here goes...

(2) 8" 304 SS hemispheres @61.70 (JG Braun) - 123.40
(2) LF200 weld flange @100 (LDS Vacuum) - 200
(1) LF200 Al/Viton centering ring @55 (Duniway) - 55
(2) KF16 SS 1/2 nipple @12 (Duniway) - 24
(1) KF25 SS 1/2 nipple @14 (Duniway) - 14
(1) KF40 SS 1/2 nipple @16 (Duniway) - 16
(1) 2.75" conflat 1/2 nipple @30(Duniway) - 30
(1) 2.75" conflat view port @89 (Duniway) - 89
(1) KF25 SS blank for spark plug (LDS Vacuum) - 5
(6) Large claw clamps @ 4.25 ea (LDS Vacuum) - 25.50

total - 581.90

Of course, judicious scrounging could bring these prices down....

Created on Saturday, March 17, 2001 9:55 PM EDT by Richard L. Hester