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I am heartened to see that the contributors so often seen pouring effort into this forum seem to be willing to suffer a modest fee for the continuation. The perfesser is working on this and will post again soon. I do know that moving this site, intact does require a one by one message down load and save to a word processor! Anyone volunteering for the 1000+ message effort by this tedium?!!

We are all busy folks and most have the small monthly money at hand and the will to see this effort maintained, but not a lot of time to make the hard left or right turn required to go to a new site or learn a new format.

If we move, no matter where it is, we will go through the inevitable gripefest as was seen in the transfer here. If it is a free site, how long before we move again? The net is going totally capatalistic at the service level as advertisers see little results from routinely ignored banner ads and hard times shrinking their ad budgets, etc. The www is the first to get cut, for radio and TV can put it up in front of you in a manner that you are forced to listen or tune out.

On the web, you just don't ever cast your eyes to the banners. No jangle of a radio announcer or compelling full screen video image. Ads on the web are parallel processed with desired or sought after content. On TV or radio they are the only content in the linear stream at times.

I am for staying and paying as I have said.

Richard Hull

Created on Wednesday, June 06, 2001 10:39 AM EDT by Richard Hull