Re: Fusor III down....
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Fusor III is back on line and fusing, but due to the outgassing and settling time, it is a bit unmanageable until the last stuff is purged from having left it open overnight to make repairs. I may even have a small leak, but it is still too early to tell. A lot of this outgassing may be coming from the epoxy I used to seal the spark spug insulator. (epoxy patch-duniway). We'll see. I can't seem to get below 5microns when the old system would zero the gauge.

I have seen this before after repairs and will give the system a week or so of evenings at glow cleaning and light duty fusing.

This points up the fact that I gotta' get fusor IV on line with its conflat seals and professional insulator.

Richard Hull

Created on Monday, December 4, 2000 9:22 AM EDT by Richard Hull