Re: An alternative venue - news from E-Groups
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I can't find it now, but when I was investigating E-Groups, I started a fusor forum there. Now I'm listed as one of their administrators, and I just got this notice from them. I'm posting it here, to keep the discussion of "venue" open.

Dear eGroups Moderator,

We have exciting news to share with you. We want you to be among the
first to know that eGroups and Yahoo! Clubs will be merging. The new
service will be called Yahoo! Groups.


eGroups will now be called Yahoo! Groups. Don't worry, all eGroups
email and web addresses will continue to work, all data and event
ownership will be maintained, and your entire group membership will
carry over.

Everything you love about eGroups will still be around. Yahoo! Groups
will continue to be a free service, and all the main features you use
now will continue to be a part of the new Groups service. We'll begin
to internationalize Yahoo! Groups after we've launched the service in
the United States. In the interim, you will be able to use the
international versions of eGroups.


Yahoo! Groups will have lots of new features and even better
customization. Upon launch, you will be able to:

* Chat with other group members using our improved Yahoo! Chat.
* Add a splash of color to your group, or a main page photo, all

without knowing HTML.
* See when group members are online and communicate with group members

in real time using Yahoo! Messenger.
* Reach a larger audience. You will have the entire Yahoo! Network at

your doorstep.

And much, much more to come! The best part -- you won't have to do
anything to your group to get it converted. This will all happen
automatically. All you have to do to access this wide array of web
functionality is merge your current eGroups account with a Yahoo! ID.
For a detailed FAQ on this and other merger topics, please visit:

On behalf of everyone here at Yahoo Groups, thanks for being a
moderator on our service.


The Yahoo! Groups team

Created on Friday, December 08, 2000 9:19 AM EDT by The Perfesser