Re: Why building a working fusor ?
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I believe I have written to this point before. As an ardent Tesla coil builder 1988-2000 the goal was not to invent a new energy source or to investigate wireless power, but to be able to say, I came, I saw, I conquered. Along the way I became more proficient in a number of areas and technologies. I have also become somewhat of an authority on making them work correctly and to good advantage. It was a money losing run with no real finished product at the end. All the large Tesla coils and magnifiers are gone now.

Some Teslafiles have openly noted that they will not be attending the Teslathon-high energy bash this year. This is all fine, for folks move on while others stay on.

The fusor and doing personal fusion is my goal and ultimately some small neutron activation work. I have become a fusioneer (one who has done fusion). Now to become better at it, to learn, and experiment. Again, I am not planning to personally ever tap one micro-watt from the process. The neuts are what I am after and you can't get at them any other way from the amateur level.

If I want watts, I have outlets all over my house and a power company standing by, at the ready, just itchin' to sell me some.

Others on this list are looking to solve future energy needs. A goal a lot more laudable than my rather selfish quest for a whole lotta' personal neutrons.

If any one of us can help the other, then the entire symbiotic relationship of this little Bund is a payoff.

I had a lotta' folks standing in line to ask me "what good was to be found in the Tesla coil", and the same crowd is queing up to ask the same of me regarding the fusor. They are practical minded yet limited folks, though well meaning, who can't easily see value in knowledge.

Women especially have a hard time with such endeavors undertaken by male techno-dweebs. One particularly raucous and obviously disgruntled feminist within my earshot on one occassion, referred to such things as merely a form of male-techno-masturbation. She might not have been far from the mark on the matter, but in our defense, perhaps she just failed to understand the joy and value of masturbation.

The key is enjoy, have fun, and learn while keeping busy, active, and amused. Each has his or her own goals, dreams and desires. More power to every one of us. (not necessarily fusion power)

Richard Hull

Created on Thursday, April 05, 2001 5:50 PM EDT by Richard Hull