Re: Tesla, Master of Lightning vidio
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I saw that show when it played recently on our local PBS station as part of their fund-raising week.

I am constantly reminded of certain parallels between Farnsworth and Tesla; not only were they "drawing from the same well" of knowledge, but they had to deal with a lot of the same terrestial forces, i.e. investors who did not have the long view.

And, when I think about fusion energy, I can't help but wonder if there might have been SOMETHING to Tesla's efforts to "transmit electrical energy." I think the concept has been mostly discredited. But it's hard to imagine fusion replacing internal combustion, so the idea of electrically powered vehicles drawing their power from vast, remote dyamoes is tempting, if ridiculous.

There is a lot of info about Tesla all over the web. Follow the links from this Google search:

Among other things, it seems that seems that some enterprising souls have found the foundation of the Wardenclyffe tower in Shoreham, Long Island, that the building is still intact, and there is some discussion of using it as the center of a Tesla Museum.

You know, Edison has two museums - Menlo Park and West Orange, both in New Jersey. Seems to me Tesla oughta have one, too.


Created on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 7:29 PM EDT by The Perfesser