Re[2]: You Can All Stop Now...
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The way I read the thing, they are making alpha particles.
You would extract energy the same way planned for the P + B11 reaction, by decelerating them in a multi-grid system, converting the kenetic energy to elecrical energy off the charged particles. This may be the schematically illustrated multi disk system with holes on their webpage.

This is the classic dream of aneutronic fusion where only charged particles and stable nuclei are by products. They are arguing against a thermally collisional system of fusion. Collisionally, in earth bound systems which are easily realized, D-D fusion to helium directly is a virtual statistical impossibility. The Sun seems to do OK, but this is due to a slight excess of hydrogen atoms there coupled with a warm climate and densities for hydrogen in the molten metal range maybe near the core.

Oh well.

I wouldn't hold my breathe, of course for this "new thing" as there are so many of 'em.

Richard Hull

Created on Friday, May 18, 2001 11:01 AM EDT by Richard Hull