Gregory Low
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I am retired from the University of California, where I worked in Instructional Resources. It was the A/V center on campus, CCTV, Satellite Link, TV Production facility, etc.

My interest in the Fusor tube began in the mid 60's, when I was a guest of Kent Farnsworth. It was then I learned of Phil's work and that he had achieved "sustained fusion".

I hadn't heard anything more of it, or Philo, after I learned of his passing in the early 70's.

It is still beyond me that "it" isn't the primary energy source in use today, more than 30 years later. The direct conversion of Deuterium/Tritium to electricity. No inefficient steam generation process.

My interest is strictly academic, I don't have any plans at this moment to try to build a Fusor, but enjoy reading about those of you who are. I applaud you for your effort.

Created on Monday, January 22, 2001 7:16 AM EDT by - unknown -