PMT "9781B" specs
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Hi all,

Yesterday I was at a hamfest, and luckily find
2 PMTs... I had a surplus (had some uv kodak filter on it) "931A" for 10$ and a new "9781B" for 30$ (circa). They are of the "on side, circular cage" type 9 stages.


bialkali Cs-Sb
maximum response at 380nm,
Anode pulse rise time 1.8 ns (1000v),
Transit time 18 ns(1000v),
Anode responsivity radiant 2.1 x10^5,
current amplification (gain) 5.5 x10^6

EMI (now Electron Tubes) 9781B
bialkali Cs-Sb
maximum response at 300nm,
anode pulse rise time 2ns,
pulse width 4ns,
transit time 20 ns,
gain 0.7 x10^6

Are these tubes suitable for neuts counting ?
Ciao e grazie

Created on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 3:33 AM EDT by Daniele DB Bortoluzzi