Re[2]: Shielding
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Your post is pretty interesting !

I only have (at the moment) the need for the mentioned
"Poor man counter" :)
I am aware BC400 is not the final solution for neuts counting, but I'd like to make it my starting point, since I have no other ways to go. I initially will operate the fusor near 15Kv, so I hope Gammas will be blocked with that lead layer we are talking about.
That day is far again, but I am working on all the sides for acquiring parts and skills necessary for the fusor job.

One day I will have to buy Deuterium and BC400 will be the easier and bore affordable way for me. I think I'll get it from Don Orie. Paying lots of taxes and a long UPS trip.
Nuclear surplus is not available here. Ebay is too much risk. The only way is to start from a point and keep scavenging for parts. Ask, ask, and ask again. This is the way I find my better parts... If I come across some nuclear good stuff it will be the miracle come true :)

Obviously I have to buy something too ! he he he...


Created on Thursday, May 03, 2001 3:46 PM EDT by Daniele DB Bortoluzzi