Re[3]: What Miley has been up to lately
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I attended one project review meeting in the early 90's at which Bockris was present, along with a number of others who reported on various CF experiments.

It was hard to deny that unusual things happened, sometimes, in some of the experiments. A process which, assuming things were as they were presented, exposed sealed film negatives, like an Xray. But what left me with a funny feeling, was the conviction of validity of the hypothesized process - i.e.: Cold Fusion, amounted to nearly a religious faith - but without any substantive physical explanation. The comment that impressed me most was from a bright, young researcher, who worked at China Lake NWC. He had also seen the anamalous results, and said... I have no idea what is going on here.

I left in a "superposition" of minds... bothered a bit because our company was funding what seemed like pseudo science, and intrigued because of the unexplained results.

So far, the IEC work seems far more substantive, amenable to some rough calculations, and not requiring new physical speculations to explain results.

Dave Cooper

Created on Saturday, February 10, 2001 1:44 AM EDT by David Cooper