Vacuum chamber Thickness
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Hi all,

I would like to know if exist a table of thicknesses
for various vacuum levels or something like formulas to calculate it, I know it depends on radius (of shperical chamber) also from materials involved...
Someone has to do this somewhere ! :)

can someone help ?

Scavenging for parts, I have the necessity of being alble to discriminate goods and bads.

I was thinking about few parts to use as source for spherical cavities.

1. Gas bottles like the ones used in welding or fire extinguishers;

2. Balls of giant ball valves, to be turned some way;

3. Industrial fuel tanks or scrap from implants like this;

4. ??? ...still thinking on this :)


Created on Friday, February 23, 2001 3:57 AM EDT by Daniele DB Bortoluzzi