"diesel cleaning" the direct drive (repair log)
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(was "gaskets")


I have succesfully replaced the oil seal of my Edwards pump.
I have made it with a special thick paper made just for this purposes.

I don't know its name in USA but I think is easy to find in industrial use...

I will look on the net if there is a link at it.



Hi all again,

I had a suggestion from a technician who does vacuum pump service from at least 10 years...
He told me (referring to my Edwards) to use diesel to clean the inner parts of my pump(not the oil tank), doing so I don not have the need to dismount all, and replace some metal seals I do not have...
All I need is diesel and some pump oil for draining.

1. Turn on the pump
2. slowly add a few diesel from the vacuum port
3. let it run (minutes)
4. repeat from point 2 a few times
5. drain the oil (dirt should be seen in the oil, I guess)

Doing this a few times should remove dirt from the "pumping zones" of my direct drive. Leaving me with a near new babe.

I will give this a try in the evening, then I'll post results...

ciao all

Created on Monday, March 26, 2001 6 AM EDT by Daniele DB Bortoluzzi
Last Modified on Thursday, March 29, 2001 2:13 AM EDT by Daniele DB Bortoluzzi