Fusion Message Board

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Subject: Re: Cross sectional collision energy
Date: Mar 08, 10:32 am
Poster: Richare Hull

On Mar 08, 10:32 am, Richare Hull wrote:

>Interestingly, if you average all the beams together, the average eV energy (expressed as eV, not velocity) is about 1.14 times the accelerating voltage (assuming all the ions are created at the outer grid/shell)..
>So.. as a practical matter, I'd say you should just go into the tables with your accelerating voltage.

>Richard, how do your measured rates compare with theoretical expectations?


I am sure the measured rates precisely equal theoretical concerns. This is provided every single instantaneous event is known including the 99.9999999999999% of the events which occur that do not follow ideal theory. We often are forced to generalize our math as real world situations and our inability to obtain idealized laboratory conditions depart and more and more degrees of freedom enter the experiment. This is no sin as we are now "engineering" and we must not ever think we have can figure to theoretical levels in less than ideal situations.

First of all, I noted that in my post that all my thoughts were under "ideal" conditions.

Ideal conditions do exist for some vanishingly small portion of the deuterons.

Yes slow and fast neutrals spoil the brew.
yes not all hit head on.
yes there is an ungodly mix of crap fouling the simple fusor at high pressures.

Still, it is only those few that do ideal things that fuse. It is only these we need concern ourselves with. Computations which work however would be based on such averaging fudge factored calcs. whether derived through emperical data or reason based on models. It is important to realize that no averaged velocity or averaged energy deuterons fuse....Only those few lucky ones coming in at fusion energy and hitting as head-on or shallow off axis angles stand a chance.

I don't calculate what will happen. I measure what does happen.

Based on the total current, ideal situations and physically measured performance, 4X10e5 deuterons make the nuclear zygote run successfully each second. This is out of a total ionic "wad" of 6x10e16 deuterons. (again, ideally)

This shows the huge waste of current and lost, eager, little "deuts" in the simple fusor. A gang of those little guys just spend themselves making background neutrals into speedy neutrals. The ones who remain energetic rarely attain fusion energy, having been born too close to the inner grid. Those born at the right time and place who make it all the way "inside" almost never collide with anything. Of the rare few that collide at just the right moment in just the right place with just the right energy, they envariably sideswipe or broadside another fortunate winner, only to become total losers at what could have been a moment of fusion. More broken dreams.

Only 1 in 10e11 or one in 100 billion born survive to fuse. (ideally, in fusor III) These are not averaged energy duets; they are fusion energy deuts with "th' right stuff" who steered a perfect path. Just like the lotto' there is no way to predict which individual ones will make it, only that a given fraction will. Of those few, you can be sure they were perfect for the job and not a lucky, lukewarm average one.

Richard Hull