Fusion Message Board

In this space, visitors are invited to post any comments, questions, or skeptical observations about Philo T. Farnsworth's contributions to the field of Nuclear Fusion research.

Subject: Currently operating fusor?
Date: Jul 06, 11:27 am
Poster: Jones Beene

On Jul 06, 11:27 am, Jones Beene wrote:

Is anyone out there in Fusor land currently producing neutrons?

If so, the following is a suggestion for an add-on to your experiment that may offer some insight into one of the mechanisms for nuclear reactions at relatively low energies.

Recently, on the vortex list server, e lewis posted an interesting observation related to Cold Fusion that might also have implications for the fusor. A short portion is included below. It should be of interest to Fusorites that some of the work was done with Miley at U. of Ill.

The suggested add-on experiment sounds relatively simple if one has access to some radioactive material or alternatively is near a university physics department - as any physicist worth his salt would love to see a confirmation of this.

Basically what one needs to do is- first achieve a steady state fusor operation - and then move the radioactive material into close proximity to the chamber. The counts per second would be expected to go up slightly under this scenario, but there is a chance of a significant increase.


The theory that is currently floating around vortex is that neutrinos/ light leptons are a significant catalyst to low energy nuclear reactions. These LLs are plentiful in decay reactions and particularly in alpha decay.

Of couse, getting an alpha decay source to test is a major but not insurrmountable problem, due to restrictions on these materials. An ore sample is a possibility. A tiny amount can be obtained from smoke detectors or even an old "glow-in-the-dark" clock dial. It shouldnt take much...that is, if the theroy is correct. That's a big IF....

Jones Beene

From Ed Lewis' post:
Evidence that a Radioactive Object Near an Electrolysis Cell Promoted
Radioactivity in the Cell


There is evidence that a certain electrolysis experiment showed both an
increased level of radioactivity as measured by Geiger counters and
short-term bursts of radioactivity in response to certain changes of
conditions while the cell was near a radioactive object.


There is evidence that a radioactive object promoted radioactivity from a
CETI microsphere type electrolytic device two years ago. This would be a
major area to research, and comparatively simple to duplicate, if the effect
actually exists. There has been a confirmatory report recently. Recently,
Conte and Pieralice wrote a technical note(1) describing an experiment in
which a radioactive object implanted with Sr90 and Y90 was fixed external to
an electrolytic cell that had a Pt anode and an Al cathode in an electrolyte
of 1 M Na2SO4 or Li2SO4 in distilled H20. They wrote that the cell
repeatedly emitted neutrons and that the aluminum cathodes melted entirely
after 1 hour of experimentation. They wrote that in control experiments with
no radioactive source present there was no melting of the cathode. This may
be confirmatory evidence of an effect that was found by me two years ago at
the Fusion Studies Lab. at the U. of I. that is directed by G. Miley while
investigating a CETI configuration electrolytic cell experiment for evidence
of radioactivity by using Geiger counters. The main anomalous effects were
that the presence of a radioactive object composed of aluminum and steel
that was irradiated in a nuclear reactor caused the electrolytic cell to
exhibit both a long-term low level of radioactivity and short bursts of
radioactivity lasting up to 30 seconds in response to certain stimuli.