Fusion Message Board

In this space, visitors are invited to post any comments, questions, or skeptical observations about Philo T. Farnsworth's contributions to the field of Nuclear Fusion research.

Subject: Re: fusor electrical characteristics
Date: Nov 01, 08:16 am
Poster: Scott Stephens

On Nov 01, 08:16 am, Scott Stephens wrote:

>but that doesn't cover the (presumably) non->linear behavior when it is running.

Good point. I posted my ideas on this (Core Geometry? - Scott Stephens Aug 21). I bet if the pressure is real low so the multipacting is more ballistic than thermal, Interesting microwave modes (plasma instability) may occur.

If these modes are shielded in a resonant structure, even with multiple harmonics (kind of like an atoms quantum orbitals) they may contribut in accelerating and confining the plasma.

I would bet these effects will occur at relativistic particle velocities.
