Re[4]: High voltage feed through
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An all ceramic chamber would be tough on an added fitting basis. Expansion contaction of larger surfaces and the difficulty of sealing at joints would make it an unwise choice. This would also demand a second outer grid as the ceramic fusor is non-conductive.

Synopsizing on feed throughs.

1. first pass, gotta' get it done to show th' wife and friends kind of demo fusor......

A spark plug in any arrangement is fine as voltages will never, or should never, exceed 3-6kv.

2. Plus-ultra, well built demo or experimental fusor which might also be used for a first pass at real fusion.

Get the Lesker part number EFT1211091 feedthrough. it is a SS weld type and is pure alumina and rated at 12kv with a pure long nickel conductor, but should handle up to nearly 20kv with a push. It is pro and super nice for this work and is only $35.00. If you demand a flange and the fusor is small, try the EFT2011092. This is on a nice 1.3" CF flange and is rated at 20kv, could easily handle 25+kv, but is a bit steep at $143.00

3. A real, full blown fusor where neutrons and real fusion are the goal....

Get the insulator mentioned in the first post. At this level, everything should be pro and done properly, for you don't need any leaks due to homegrown efforts. Everything must be flanged! You'll have enough small fires to stamp out just getting the fusion fires lit without playing "find th' leak".

Richard Hull

Created on Thursday, May 03, 2001 1:55 PM EDT by Richard Hull