Why building a working fusor ?
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Hi all,

I was having a beer last night with a good friend.
He's a good electronics technician. And he's always interested in high energy devices and all alternative forms of energies, robotics and the like. I had invited him to help me design the circuitry for the neuts counter.

At a point he asked "why building all of this stuff ? Can you use it to achieve free energy ? Or anithing else ? Or is it a "as is" project ?" In effect all of us know how much effort an money it takes, to a make a fusor.

Seems to me people do not really and fully understand the amount of learning you can achieve in a similar project.

Sometimes I feel like people have the brain working like
"If you can't eat it you don't need it"

Obviously my friend is not that kind.
But being a man who does repair and maintenance
he's not in confidence with some sort of apparatus
one can use without a steady and "touchable" output.

So, are we really doing some sort of waste of time ?
I don't think so !!!

And is there a way to use the energy we get from
our fusors ?
It would be interesting to make a little turbine (dinamo?)to simulate a power plant, but i imagine there are lot of problems in the desing.


Created on Thursday, April 05, 2001 3:50 AM EDT by Daniele DB Bortoluzzi